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Feature Stories

Broadband connectivity & your community

Municipal broadband presents real challenges to Canadian communities, not only as a standalone initiative, but also in relation to connectivity within a smart city or ...

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Budget 2017

Canada’s future unfolding in our municipalities 2017 is Canada’s big year. All across the country, Canadians are marking the 150th anniversary of Confederation with festivals, ...

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Talkin' bout my generation

A Millennial’s take on shifting workforce demographics From water-cooler chats, to executive conversations on workforce planning, people are grumbling, “The Millennials are coming. The Millennials ...

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Who evaluates the CAO? (Part 2)

After discussing performance evaluation from the perspective of “why evaluate?” (May 2013); what should be evaluated? (June and July); we turned to the question of ...

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Who evaluates the CAO? (Part 1)

To recap this series of articles to date, we have examined the issue of a council evaluating its CAO by first considering the question: Why ...

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CAO evaluation criteria (Part 2)

In the May issue, we explored the question “Can a council evaluate a chief administrative officer?” In the June issue, the focus was on “What ...

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CAO evaluation criteria (Part 1)

Last month, we explored the question “Can council evaluate its chief administrative officer?” In this issue, we now turn the focus to “What should a ...

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Delighting residents and making cities smarter

Today, it is not enough to simply make digital versions of old ways of delivering services. When it comes to technology, cities and governments are ...

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Can council evaluate the CAO?

I hope to pen some thoughts around the issue of a council and its chief administrative officer (CAO) over the next few issues. I will ...

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Seven steps to civility in the workplace

Communication is not simple. If it were, there would not be thousands of books and articles written on the subject. Yet, communication is the key ...

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