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The Transforming Local Government Conference next's stop is Reno, NV!

Start planning now to join us April 9-12, 2019.

The 2019 Transforming Local Government Conference (TLG) will take place April 9-12, in Reno, Nevada. TLG 2019 is sure to be another exciting, unique experience for local government practitioners of all levels.

TLG will attract over 600 local government professionals at every level in the organization across the US and Canada. TLG is recognized for its dynamic content that encourages freethinking and fosters unprecedented ideas, all within a relaxed and professional networking and learning environment.

If you had the chance to attend 2018’s TLG in Tacoma, WA, then surely you won’t want to miss TLG 2019. And if you haven’t had a chance to experience a TLG yet, well, find out what the TLG experience means. Stay tuned for updates!