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Municipal World announces 2019 Awards of Distinction

by Municipal World Staff
in Communication, Innovation, Leadership, Press Release
November, 2019

Municipal World has announced the winners for its 2019 Awards of Distinction. Presented in six categories and voted on by Municipal World members, the awards – sponsored this year by The W Group – recognize the year’s top contributors in the categories of: Columnist, Feature Story, Video Interview, Sponsored Content, Municipal Video, and Advertiser.

“Extraordinary accomplishments don’t always get the recognition they deserve,” said Municipal World CEO Susan Gardner. “It’s our privilege to share stories of municipal excellence throughout the year. So, in the December issue, we want to really celebrate some of that content.”

George Cuff, long-time Municipal World contributor and author of the Governance Zone, was selected by readers as the top columnist. An author of eight books on local government policy governance, Cuff’s monthly column explores the relationship between municipal staff and councils while examining the challenges facing today’s local government sector.

Ken Coates’ article, “There’s a story to be told,” was recognized as the year’s top Feature Story. The article focused on how, despite the formidable challenges faced by small towns and rural areas across the country, the reality is they are thriving more than most people realize.

A sit-down interview between Gardner and Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi, “Calgary’s challenges, social media, leadership insights,” was voters’ top choice for Video Interview. In the video, available on the Municipal World’s online Media Centre, the two sit down at the 2019 Federation of Canadian Municipalities Conference to discuss the challenges of social media, the energy economy, as well as leadership insights from his years at the helm.

The Town of Saugeen Shores was recognized in the Sponsored Content category for their article, “Communicating outside the box.” The article details the town’s goal of becoming a two-way communications organization – both internally and externally – by effectively engaging stakeholders to ensure a broader awareness and understanding of town programs, initiatives, and services.

The City of Calgary’s “Too Good to Waste” was selected by members as the top choice in the Municipal Video category. The video (now featured in the Municipal World Media Centre) explains the science of how a landfill works and why turning food and yard waste into nutrient-rich compost for gardens, parks, and farms is a better solution than burying it in a landfill.

Enbridge Inc. was the top choice under Advertiser. The company ran an innovative campaign of inserts in the magazine, launching in the January 2019 issue. The campaign was designed to draw attention to the innovative opportunities available to promote sustainable community building through energy efficiency and GHG emission reductions.

The December issue, which also showcases Municipal World’s 2019 Women of Influence in Local Government honourees, recaps the award recipients from a variety of Municipal World partners as well.

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“We hope the awards profiled in this issue provide a glimpse into some of the important accomplishments and initiatives unfolding in the municipal sector,” Gardner said. “And some insight into the people who are making it happen.”

The December edition of Municipal World, featuring the 2019 Awards of Distinction, is available now.  MW

About Municipal World

Municipal World Inc. is a Canadian media brand that connects municipalities with the information, products, services, and people they need. The flagship monthly magazine, Municipal World, now available in both digital and print editions, has been continuously published since 1891 – longer than any other municipal magazine in the world.

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